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Thursday 1 March 2012

Resident Evil 2 & 3 hits PSN store!!

So yesterday all us European Resident Evil fans got our wish granted by Capom and Playstation Europe with the release of two classic resident evil titles.

Yep resident evil 2 & 3 where released!

For those of you who are not familiar with the "Resident Evil" Franchise then shame on you! But I'm willing to give you a quick schooling on theses two amazing games.

Resident Evil 2 - Originally released in 1998 sees much loved charters Claire Redfield and Leon S Kennedy brought into this world of survival horror, Claire is looking for her brother Chris Redfield and Leon is a police rookie just about to start a job with the RCPD who both find each other within the mess of Raccoon City.

My thoughts - Resident Evil 2 is my main love it was the first game in the series that I had played and I have played many times over due to the game has so much replay value with having two main characters which meant two different stories having brief in counters as you played not forgetting that both characters plots had two sides to their story made replaying this game 10x more fun, not to mention the fun of the little puzzles within the game.

Resident Evil 3 - Originally released in 2000 for us PAL users, Resident evil 3 also known as Resident Evil 3: Nemesis sees the return of special tactics and rescue squad (S.T.A.R.S) member Jill Valentine also trying to escape the nightmare of Raccoon City but ends up being chased by the bio weapon called Nemesis who is set to kill S.T.A.R.S members as Umbrella fear they know way to much, Along the way you will meet with other S.T.A.R.S members trying to avoid the same horrible fate of nemesis and you will be able to take control as Umbrella Biohazard countermeasure service (U.B.C.A) member Carlos Olivier who will help you on your mission of escaping Raccoon City. The game also introduces the making of  "The Mercenaries" where you choose from three of the U.B.C.A members that apear in the game each character has a different weapon/item inventory you then have a limited amount of time to get from two points in the game within that time but the time given at the starting point of the game is not enough time to get to your end target so you will have to make your way through the city stopping off at diffent point to eathier save a hostage and gain time and items or multi-kill enimies around the city.

My thoughts - Once again another classic from the Resident Evil franchise set slightly before Resident Evil 2 this game brings it's own unique style of game play to the table with the option of seeing the gamer choosing the path of the character within certain moments of the game like whether you choose to hide in the basement or blow up the joint then effects certain points of the game which certainly makes this game stand out from the rest of the franchise not to mention its encore of the classic Capcom puzzles within the game, the mercenaries mini game is also a lovely addition to the game I can remember many days and night me and my older brother trying to run round the city trying to survive and get to each main point to save all the hostages.

With enough said I don't even think I should give you a reason to why you should instantly go to the PSN Store and buy at least one or both of these classic game titles and with that said enjoy my home made Resident Evil 2 video.

Something New

I know it's been along time but I promise this silence hasn't gone in vain, I've got some quite cool blog post coming up!

So just a quick update on things to come!

I've been working on a few arty projects which when finished will be posted for the world to see also info on how you can do your own we also must not forget that the month of march is a very exciting gaming month with lots of games coming out which I have pre-ordered so yes that means gaming reviews!

I promise were going to fatten this bitch right out with lots of "interesting" posts...lol

So enjoy!